
halloween week

thanks to an abnormally warm and sunny fall we were able to get out for lots of good fall activities. maeve was both tigger and a penguin this year - halloween should be a two day event, not only so you can get more candy, but for more cute costumes


sorry for the lack of attention recently - it doesn't mean we stopped taking pictures - do not fear there are plenty more pix to share.

here are some pix of unh homecoming - thanks to great weather and to the swim tent we had a great day. after recovering we did some apple picking in amesbury. enjoy the pix.


vacation in little compton

we were lucky enough to spent a whole week on vaca down in little compton, ri. maeve really enjoyed having two full time parents and two grandparents to take care of her all week. we have lots of pix to share

our vacation pix


Maeve @ 6m

Hello All,
We have a whole month's of pictures to update you on. (The picture on the right is taken by Chrissy with her new camera! Thnx Chrissy)

Maeve just had here 6 month checkup this week. She weighed in at 18 lbs, 3 oz and 27 inches long. (up from 8 lbs, 3oz and 20" at birth). She now has two teeth (bottom front two), we are now waiting to see some of the top ones sprout any day.

She has been doing full rolls (back to front and vice versa) sitting up by herself, and starting show signs of crawling. We are on vacation this week, so we will be working hard to teach her to crawl! Hopefully we will post some pix this week with a video of her first crawl!!!

Alison Krauss Show
First Swim & First Food
Crane's Beach
4th of July


First Tooth

maeve sprouted her first tooth today (bottom left front - for those that are keeping score at home). maeve has been great today and really hasn't been too finicky (except this new tooth does explain her testy behavior of the last week or so).

adios, D&C&M


Maeve @ the Movies

For those of you who don't get to see Maeve that often, it may be difficult to 'see' her personality. Here are two quick movies that may help - you may need dramamine for the first movie (the road was bumpy).


5 months & Summer is Here

Maeve is five months old, believe it or not!! With summer here, she just loves being outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. With the recent heat wave last week, everyone piled into Maeve's room to enjoy her new AC . Maeve and Daddy celebrated their first Father's Day with some of the other dads in Fairhaven. Some cool developmental milestones, she has been rolling over from back to tummy and then flailing like a stranded turtle. She has also taken a baby sign language class (quietest in her class:)). And to mommy's disbelief, she moved from her bedside bassinet to her own room and crib (video monitors are a great thing!!). We found our 'misplaced' camera so there are ALOT of new pictures we would like to share with you:

visit to the Bloom's
Father Day
Trip to Market Sq Days
visit to Newburyport & to the Zumbachs
visit with Herndons & Sextons


4 months

Hello All,
Maeve has missed everyone and has really started bugging us to update her site. So here they are.
Weekend Trip - with Bri, Kev, Bob&Suzanne, and Chrissy&Steve
Pictures from Fairhaven & Grandma Dot's Bday
Pictures from the Quinn's & Quincy

Maeve is really finding her personality..... Milestones from the past month:
**Maeve started really laughing (i'll try to post a video soon) and tells us stories all the time!!.
**Starting to enjoy her tummy time (but still would rather stare at the ceiling)
**She is rolling half-way over (any day now she'll do the full roll!)
**Fetching beers for dad!

When we find our camera we will post some more! D&C&M



It has been a while since we posted. A few big events this week.. Courtney returned to work this past week, fortunately Court will be easing into it and Maeve is adjusting well (except for last night...when Dennis drove up and down Quincy Shore Drive at midnight, to help Maeve settle down.)
We have also had a few great visit with many friends.
Anyway, here are some pictures (mostly from Grandma Lucey's recent Burthday Party)



happy easter to all, more details later...
pix here


Two Months

First of all, Happy Birthday to Brian, welcome to the 30+ club. To help celebrate the big day, we had a great vacation up in North Conway w/ brian and steph & kevin. We spent the second half of the week at Stowe (dennis was working on a project there). pix here

Also, Maeve turns 2 months old today - she seems to outgrow something new everyday. it is good to see her develop, but also so sad that she is no longer a new born.

PS: We also posted pictures from our trip to the Southie Parade (pix here)


Trip To Boston

We made our first trip into Boston with Maeve this week. Brian was working downtown, so we spent two evenings downtown; spending time with Bri and showing Maeve the sites. pictures here Maeve turns 6 weeks this week - we are starting to notice many more changes changes. She is starting to track faces and we are hoping that she could be finding her smile when she gets happy - but it still could be a little gas :-> happy saint paddy's (stayed tuned for pix from the parade) C&D&M


Big Adventures

Thankfully Maeve loves sleeping in the car and meeting new folks. So we have spent the last two weekends on the road. Last weekend to family and friends, traveled to Fairhaven, Raymond, Amesbury, Gtown - pictures here
And this weekend we were up to the River in Bethel - pictures here. Although Maeve and Josh are a little too young for the slopes, there sure did enjoy the deck at Barker Lodge.


maeve at three weeks

maeve is three weeks tomorrow. we are all doing well and based on maeve's growing cheeks, we think she is doing well too! as you can imagine we have a ton of new pix to share (and a new video too).

we also were able to spend some time with family both in fairhaven and nh this weekend (pictures) . it was good to see everyone. adios, C&D



February is a big month around lafayette street. With now 4 birthdays (Maeve, Kevin, Courtney, & Dennis) in 13 days in the immediate lucey clan (and valentine's day too) there is alot to celebrate here.

So, Maeve is doing well. However, our first few days of bliss (lots of sleep and very little crying) have recently been replaced by more crying, more eating, and a Maeve has a little cold! Maeve is working hard to cough and sneeze (very cute, but also looks pretty painful). At least she is not alone - Court & Dennis are also nursing a little bug too!

On a happier note, lots of new great pix posted. Enjoy! D&C


Happy Birthday

We don't know where the time went, but Maeve is one week old today. Happy Birthday.

Maeve had her first dr's appointment and is starting to put some weight on. She is developing a semi-regular sleeping/eating pattern. Which is allowing us to enjoying some time with her, and getting some sleep too!

We have had some great visits and appreciate everyone who has come by. We added some pix & videos. Hope we are not overwhelming people with too much maeve info - but it is so much fun to share these first few days :-) love D & C


At home....

We left Brigham on Saturday at 12:30pm, two days after delivery. Court's parents (nanny & poppy) and uncle Brian, Auntie Steph, and cousin Josh came by and helped ease the transition . Our little Pirahna is feeding well and seems to sleep often. We are enjoying the times when she is alert and interactive. Pictures...
We want to thank everyone for all the well wishes via phone & email and we hope you will be able to meet the newest member of our family soon.
Love, Court, Dennis, & Maeve


A few more pix

Update: Maeve is doing great! Feeding, sleeping, pooping. We have posted a few more pix - more when we get home on saturday. Cant wait to see everyone!


Wonderful news. We welcomed a beautful girl into the world on February 1st at 12:27pm. She was 8lb 3oz and 20 in. long. Courtney did a wonderful job and both she and our daughter, Maeve Fiske Lucey are resting. We will post some more pictures as soon as we can.
love courtney & dennis


At the hospital

Hello all, it appears that the baby has decided to join us. we made the trip to brigham's this morning at 1am. things are progressing nicely. Court's water broke at 4:30am and contractions are continuing. She is doing great!!! We hope to have news some time today. Stay tuned.


ready or not...

The bags are packed & ready... With the 42 week mark approaching and still no appearance yet of the guest of honor, its time to give it a little help. We are headed to BWH bright and early tomorrow AM. so stayed tuned...


Extra Innings

the baby must be real comfortable in there because it is a bit late to the big day.
on the positive side we are now really really ready for the baby (& we just got some new ultrasounds - (link: "just before the big day"). hopefully, we will have some news soon. love d&c


3 days to go

hopefully only 3 days to go... we are both eager and excited to meet the new arrival. here is josh trying to wrestle his cousin.


january 19, 2007 - due date

St Paddy 2008

St Paddy 2008

North Conway 2008

North Conway 2008

photo collage of the moment

photo collage of the moment
up thru June 2007

previous collage

previous collage

previous collage

previous collage
chrissy & steve's wedding - june 2006

previous collage

previous collage
court's graduation - may 2006