
5 months & Summer is Here

Maeve is five months old, believe it or not!! With summer here, she just loves being outside and enjoying the beautiful weather. With the recent heat wave last week, everyone piled into Maeve's room to enjoy her new AC . Maeve and Daddy celebrated their first Father's Day with some of the other dads in Fairhaven. Some cool developmental milestones, she has been rolling over from back to tummy and then flailing like a stranded turtle. She has also taken a baby sign language class (quietest in her class:)). And to mommy's disbelief, she moved from her bedside bassinet to her own room and crib (video monitors are a great thing!!). We found our 'misplaced' camera so there are ALOT of new pictures we would like to share with you:

visit to the Bloom's
Father Day
Trip to Market Sq Days
visit to Newburyport & to the Zumbachs
visit with Herndons & Sextons


january 19, 2007 - due date

St Paddy 2008

St Paddy 2008

North Conway 2008

North Conway 2008

photo collage of the moment

photo collage of the moment
up thru June 2007

previous collage

previous collage

previous collage

previous collage
chrissy & steve's wedding - june 2006

previous collage

previous collage
court's graduation - may 2006